So long aughts!

Another year has gone by, another decade has flown by and now we will all have to get used to writing 2010 on our checks without double zeros. Have we decided on how to say 2010? "Oh ten" sounds dumb so I think we will be stuck without an abbreviated year for a very long time. "Ten" just doesn't have the same pizazz that "Nine-seven" or all the other years had leading up to the changing of the millennium. This decade has been marred by war, loss and political turmoil and we haven't even mentioned the economy, jobs and Kim Kardashian's circus freak ass. We were promised a quick victory at the beginning of the decade and sweeping change towards the end- it has become clear that we were duped. There will be dozens of sites and shows remembering the last year and the first decade of both this generation's first century and the beginning of a new 1000 years - well, for those of us that follow the Gregorian calendar, anyway. For all the hea...