Support the Heroes, Honor the Zero

The media stir concerning the mosque near Ground Zero increased to egg whipping status last week as our Vacationer in Chief made a drive by disfavor before heading off to Martha's Vineyard for another lavish vacation at taxpayer's expense . It is old news by now that Obama will always side against America and Her best interests, (one of many examples: Hurting 100 million to help 9 million ) but I find it extremely low to spit on the graves of the victims of September 11, 2001 and in the faces of the people who lost friends and family in the attacks. I have read and been a part of many discussions regarding the mosque controversy and there is a common but scary theme - ignorance. All "sides" are guilty of it and two steps behind Ignorance is Pride, the half brother of Ignorance. When these two guys get together it usually ends bad for someone. There were some people in these threads that didn't understand that "Muslim" is not a religion but that Islam ...