Terrorism close to home

It was quite a spectacle on Thursday as I watched a local mall ablaze . The Galleria Mall is a scant 5 miles away but the plume of black smoke was easily visible from my office window. I was surprised to hear that this fire made national news until I started reading/watching the coverage. You can easily search for many articles and news clips about the fire but here is the short version. The mall was deliberately set on fire by a mentally disturbed 23 year old black man named Alexander Corney Piggee . He entered Game Stop wearing the uniform of a thug (a black hoodie) and carrying a backpack. He talked to the employee and then started a fire. The fire was initially put out by sprinkler systems but firemen could not go in and investigate the area because of a potential bomb threat made by Piggee. It was unknown at the time if the initial fire was set by the homemade incendiary device or by other means. The fi...