Fast food workers demand more pay? Sorry, you don't get to decide that.

Fast food workers in Chicago rallied for higher pay, something all hard working American can get behind. For the 11 million of you without jobs please disregard. I struggled with this dilemma for a while before coming to the conclusion that it should be put in the "Stupid Spoiled American" pile. I can appreciate workers uniting for the greater good of their paycheck, but who do these people think they are, the Pullman Strike of 1894 ?? Also happened in Chicago I make no apologies for this remark, but these people are burger flippers . Here a few of their complaints: "It doesn't pay my bills, I can't buy my kids anything for Christmas. I can't even celebrate Christmas." "We can't survive on $7.25." Let me address complaint #2 and offer some solutions. Get two jobs Don't work there Get an education and become more marketable Get rid of unnecessary assets - TVs, cable, iPad, extra phones, eating out, bling, fancy clot...