Americans love a good scandal, until the next one comes along.
Scandal, schmadal At this point in his presidency, I hope that Obama is a pathological liar and not as inept and clueless as he appears to be. Of course he could be a puppet for a super-secret, string pulling Freemason-esque agency, but if we want to go that far, I prefer the chain smoking, creepy old guy from The X-Files. When I examine the scandals surrounding the Obama administration I fully expect a Wachowski styleuprising to drive these people out of office. Wishful thinking, I know. People are comfortable where they are, the voters made their decision and will stand by it, either out of ignorance or by sheer head-in-the-sand prideful stubbornness. To prove this point one just needs to look at the President’s approval rating, which is now at a historic low of 41% . Whoopty freaking doo. So he has low numbers, so Bush’s approval ratings (despite dragging us into a decade + long war and running our deficit up to historical highs) are higher than Obama’s, so what if ...