Hawaii DMV can suck it

We all have our DMV horror stories, but when I left the island nation-good old boys club in 2007 I never thought I would have to deal with the backwards thinking, pain in the ass Hawaii Department of Motor Vehicles ever again. Wrong. I lost the title to one of my vehicles and asked my bank to resend their lien release form so that I could send it to HI and get a duplicate title drafted. Evidently, a lien release form signed by my bank is not good enough. The bank must send it in, because Hawaii DMV is stuck in the 1920's and is apparently not aware of the newly adopted, but widespread use of, anti-fraud measures - like telephones. A process that would take a normal DMV about 20 minutes to handle, is going to take (by my estimations) almost a month, hopefully. Hawaii has a back log of these kinds of requests and the cosmically inefficient processes of this government run organization can only accommodate 3 or 4 requests a week (month?). I called the HI DMV to see if there...