Academy Awards non-racism called out by racists

In an effort to keep racism alive in this country, the Twit0sphere exploded with angry twits from clueless race baiters yesterday when the Academy Award nominee list revealed that there was not enough diversity on the list. Within minutes, #oscarsowhite gained enough steam to actually become a thing thanks to the racist Twits that flooded the internet. After disappearing from the public eye after several news sources covered the horrifying death of a St. Louis white guy by several black teenagers (using hammers), Al Sharpton reappeared to announce that he would have an emergency meeting to discuss the unchecked racism running rampant in Hollywood. Sharpton began his diatribe with a very soothing statement meant to ease tensions on the subject: "The movie industry is like the Rocky Mountains, the higher you get, the whiter it gets ," Isn't that special? That will surely bring people to realize that race is a very important topic in this country and that it is a h...