
Showing posts from May, 2010

Gulf of Mexico in Dire Straits

It has been 6 weeks since the Gulf oil rig Deepwater Horizon exploded killing 11 people. Had this horrible leak not happened perhaps we would hear a little more about them? Millions of gallons of oil have belched out of the crack in a pipe 5000 feet on the Gulf floor. Here is a link to a depressing live feed of the spill if you would like to see what oil looks like as it exits the earth:  Oil Spill Live Feed As events unfold surrounding the cause of the leak, and as and failure after failure of BP to stop the leak hits the media outlets, the outrage grows at a logarithmic scale. It didn't take long for Halliburton to enter the conversation as we learn that they had just completed a well cementing operation just 20 hours before the explosion occurred that is now causing hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil to enter the Gulf. Coincidence? Here is a great write up on why we can justifiably point our fingers at Halliburton. Dick Cheney was VP of the company only 10 ye...

UC San Diego Smack Down: Horowitz vs. Hamas Supporter?

I first learned of this story from Michael J. Totten's blog post  A Most Disturbing Moment of Clarity . I would recommend reading MJT post as he is a brilliant writer and spent a considerable amount of time in the Middle East. I first started reading Horowitz about 6 years ago when I became interested in the Israeli-Palestine conflict. I knew the U.S. supported Israel and I thought it odd when a coworker said the State of Israel was bogus and that they have no right to be there. I couldn't wrap my head around that. I decided to research the whole mess, and I use mess liberally since I knew any conflict in the Middle East probably has roots dating back to the Old Testament. During my research I came across Horowitz and found that I both agreed and disagreed with some of his conservative thoughts. What I really liked about  Horowitz was his knack for drawing out the honest responses from people he talked to. It seemed like a Jedi mind trick. I downloaded and read h...