
Showing posts from March, 2013

People on government assistance stimulate the economy?

I know that I am not the smartest peanut in the turd sometimes, however I cannot wrap my head around this administration's economic recovery plan of getting more people on government assistance, specifically food stamps. Please explain to me how taking more of my money and giving it to bums will help my family and stimulate the economy by giving my money (the government took from me)  to someone who isn't working. The government takes from people and doles out the money. The government doesn't earn money like I do when I get a paycheck; the government takes money out of my paycheck. That is money I would have put back into the economy anyway, so how does taking that money and allowing someone else to spend it help anything except the lifestyle of a person who doesn't have to work for their money? Yes, that is totally fair. Here is a good summary of the last State of the Union address from last month from The Gateway Pundit: SOTU 2013: 2.6 Million More in Poverty, ...