FemiNazi's go after gamers
Colbert interviewed Anita Sarkeesian, well known feminist and pain in the ass, on her rant against the "male dominated " industry of gaming. I saw this on The Colbert Report and I wanted to seriously 1v1 this delusional woman who is attacking the gaming industry to further her anti-man agenda. I wrestled over the thought of trying to write an informed but scathing post over this insanity, but someone already did. I am so glad I read the comments section for this story because I found someone who is very informed on this woman and her agenda- that isn't about gaming, but more about taking things away from men. As a gamer, I can't count the number of times I have been handled by a female player and punished for being a split second too late with a trigger pull. S arkeesian, along with all the other feminist d-bags, need to really stick to lobbying the WNBA and WPGA. I'm sure both the viewers of those sports events would greatly appreciate the coverage. Here...