
Showing posts from March, 2008

Obama '08 my ass...

Just wanted to show you the deal breaker for Obama getting my vote. Well, one of many really but let's not split hairs. The photo below has Senator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin stand during the national anthem. Barack Hussein Obama not only refused to say the pledge of allegiance but also did not put his hand over his heart during the pledge. At least Billary had the couth to not exclude voters and put her hand over her cold, empty heart. If Obama can't even say the pledge of allegiance, how the hell can this tool be Commander in Chief? For those of you who can't remember the pledge here it is written out the way it is supposed to be said, not with the breaks in it so kindergarteners can remember it.: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the country for which it stands: One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. So who does Obama pledge his allegiance to? Here is a...

Iraq 5 year mark

The five year mark approaches for the start of the most important war of our time. Nary a word is spoken, however, by our Presidential hopefuls. The Democrats have resorted to their old tricks and all the Republicans have to do is sit back and enjoy the show and Clinton and Obama duke it out. I think that 5 years is a long time to be tied up in a place where feelings of our presence (by the locals) are so misplaced. Then again, a lot of people who don't want us there probably are reallyh locals anyway. I'm sure there are thousands of people form Iran, Syria, and other asshole countries, who are there solely to make our lives a living hell as we try to get some semblance of sanity in the region. On one hand, people there deserve a life without being blown to bits by a group (any group) of people Allah bent on spreading their defunct religion to all corners of the earth. Juxtaposed is the fact that we have been there a long time, it is getting harder to control the fanatical assh...

UN sanctions Iran; Russia flip flops

I think Obi wan just didn't realize the applicability of his statement about Mos Eisley spaceport when he said, "You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy". I wonder if George Lucas was thinking of the U .N. when he wrote that little quip because that is exactly what I think of whenever I read something about the U.N. The U.N. is showing some signs of sacking up and telling Iran to cut the crap when it imposed a third set of sanctions on Iran's nuclear program. Everyone's gut feeling was that Iran was enriching the uranium from their power plants to weapons grade stuff. There were some sources that verified what we all knew was going on and the U.N. is "Mad as hell and we aren't going to take it anymore- by gum, we'll slap 15 more sanctions on Iran and they will be just as effective as the 13 we slapped on Iraq!" /wrist But at least it is something and there is enough concern growing that Iran would actually nuke Israel if ...