Hang in there kid


  1. Sad, sad ... I would like to see a senator's son or daughter to be in Iraq...

  2. Actually, a few have children that are serving, John McCain and Jim Webb to name a few. But I get what you are trying to say.

    I must admit having been retired from the Navy now for 6 months I feel detached from the war now. I don't have any message boards to read or have time to blog like I used to or even watch television. Perhaps I had too much time on my hands on my last tour.

  3. Wow that's a heart-wrenching, powerful photo. Thanks for posting it.

  4. As far as wishing to see a senators' kids in there, I wish Feinstein, Boxer and Pelosi had some in Iraq instead of working at a hedge funds or whatever the elite rich kids do - they might teach her about a little thing called reality.


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