
Showing posts from February, 2008

Castro retires, Hollywood weeps

I say good riddance you limy bastard. For the life of me I will never understand why Hollywood sucks up to the most despicable human (ocean) detritus the world has to offer. I guess money can't fill certain voids and they look to the obscene to make themselves feel better. I have blatantly stolen an excerpt from another website because I feel it so aptly summarizes my feelings on the subject; there are some things that I will toss in for clarification or for effect, but they will be sparse. Now, Humberto, who was born in Cuba and lived there until he was six, has written another book, Fidel, Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant, about the horrors of Cuba under the evil Fidel Castro. There are some choice bits from his book: Castro tried to get Nikita Khrushchev to nuke several southern cities in the US in the early 1960's, including New Orleans and probably Baton Rouge . He incarcerates more people as a percentage of population than Hitler or Stalin did. He murdered 17,000 Cubans a...

The enemy of my enemy...

It is a slippery slope that leads to the political stump. I read that Obama and Billary are now going to team up against McCain. I think that is the only time the Clinton's will join forces with opposition- "The enemy of my enemy is my friend", comes to mind. I am starting to pay more attention the political arena now that the zero hour is upon us. Well, not really, but as fast as the time has been going since I retired (6 months ago already!) I am not going to chance it. For amusement purposes only, I went to a site that has you enter your political beliefs and then it spits out your candidate of choice lickety-split. I think they are put out by the Dems because there is no latitude for "Yes, but...". My wife actually brought this up when all her selections ended up with John Edwards. SHe is bummed because now she has to choose someone else. I kind of like Mit Romney, despite that fact the media put the spotlight on his Mormon beliefs. Too bad the media doesn...

Day off

I can count the number of days off I have had in the last 3 months on one hand so I was very excited to hear yesterday that the workload was going to be light enough for me to skip coming in. It worked out for the best since my youngest son went in th is morning to have his tonsils and adenoids taken out. I have wanted them out for a while but he was too young and Tripler AMH just wouldn't do anything. I was actually pissed about it until the doctor who performed my son's surgery told us the same thing. No doctor wants to operate on a 2-year old unless absolutely necessary. He pulled through like a champ and only cried once while we were at the hospital when they injected pain medication into his IV too quickly and he felt the burning. As we drove off i heard the tell tale sounds of a Gameboy in the backseat so I guess a full recovery is imminent. The cupboard is full of Jello, pudding, soups, and goodies. It was a necessary surgery to be performed and we are hoping he will hav...

The civilian workplace

The primary came and went here and both Billary and McCain took their party's side when the people spoke. I am still waiting on my absentee ballot from HI but I guess I should just register here. If there is a loving and caring God, I just have to believe that he will not allow another term with a Clinton in the White House. Although it might not be so bad if Billary won because then they could return the stuff they stole back in 2000. ON the bright side, Obama does give me a reason to vote Democrat this time around. I like that guy, even though his only black mark (no pun intended) is his short time in politics when compared to his constituents. But that is a plus in my book. I just think if he does win and then pulls a Bill, his credibility will be shot. It appears he is very popular with the younger voters and they might not put up with their candidate selling out. Alhtough the primary was yesterday, only one person that I work with voted. The others didn't bother or were to...