The DNC........ /yawn
I have been catching the DNC and so far I am unimpressed. It has been a tear fest so far with no substance. I just watched Biden's speech and it was so-so but I am waiting for some clear and unclouded plans for the United States of America over the next 4 years. Obama talks a smooth line but I don't know what the hell he is really saying most of the time. He tows the party line on a lot of issues but I think he is more liberal than Ted Kennedy when you read about his voting history and what little he does stand for. Overall, Obama is for higher taxes- inheritance tax, gas tax, income tax, et al. That is what Democrats do- they raise taxes to pay for the programs to help people who cannot help themselves (or more to the point, too lazy to help themselves) by taking money from people who bust their ass to make some money. If you think things are economically bad for you now then it won't get better with Barrak in the White House. I had a discussion with a hard core liberal at...