
Showing posts from August, 2010

Support the Heroes, Honor the Zero

The media stir concerning the mosque near Ground Zero increased to egg whipping status last week as our Vacationer in Chief made a drive by disfavor before heading off to Martha's Vineyard for another lavish vacation at taxpayer's expense . It is old news by now that Obama will always side against America and Her best interests, (one of many examples: Hurting 100 million to help 9 million ) but I find it extremely low to spit on the graves of the victims of September 11, 2001 and in the faces of the people who lost friends and family in the attacks. I have read and been a part of many discussions regarding the mosque controversy and there is a common but scary theme - ignorance. All "sides" are guilty of it and two steps behind Ignorance is Pride, the half brother of Ignorance. When these two guys get together it usually ends bad for someone. There were some people in these threads that didn't understand that "Muslim" is not a religion but that Islam ...

Obama stubbornness costing Americans billions

While the Vacationer in Chief plays the back 9 in Martha's Vineyard this week, the housing crisis continues its tailspin. The housing market has been in decline since about 2007, the reasons being as varied as they are frustrating. The responsible parties are a different topic all together but the common denominator is that the housing lenders were very indiscriminate about whom they were lending hundreds of thousands of dollars to. Most of the people who received these loans could not possibly pay them back, something the lenders already knew but ignored.  For example, someone who makes $40,000 a year could not possibly payback a $500,000 loan in a reasonable amount of time. That is roughly $3400 a month for 160 months. The lenders knew this, but did not care. The lenders took their cues from the corrupt Wall Street brokers who finally got caught with their shenanigans, and then bailed out. The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac $25 billion+ bailouts were just the tip...

Hawaii man files lawsuit for his addiction- to a video game

Yes, you read that right- a video game addiction. Not heroin, ice, poi or crack but an addiction to the online game Lineage II, a game so lame that it throttles the imagination that anyone could become addicted to it. Craig Smallwood is filing a negligence suit against the game's creators because when he started playing (in 2004) there was no mention o the box of how a person with no life, no sense of self responsibility or no friends could become so involved in a fantasy online world that the person would not be able to get out of bed, feed themselves, bathe keep a job or talk to his family. In fact, it never occurred to Smallwood, during the 20,000 hours logged between 2004 and 2009, that h e might have an issue with his personal life and turn into a blame-shifting shut-in. To provide some substance to the amount of time Smallwood played, there are 43,829 (8765 * 5) total hours that make up the 5 years he played this game. He played the equivalent of 2.28 yea...

How to get rid of a naggy girlfriend

The blogosphere is alive with the headlines " Chivalry is Dead " over an Astro's fan who let a fly ball hit his date instead of catching it. I say they aren't reading into it enough. What happened to equal opportunity, to equal rights, to fairness? I submit that this fan was so enthralled with a fly ball heading his way that he declined to catch it, giving his girlfriend the rare opportunity of catching one. Or, she was such a bitch that he let the fly ball whack her. Either way, her face is priceless.