Blind Followers
Here is an excerpt from a Facebook conversation concerning the Matt Lauer's Sept. 27th interview with Obama. A friend of mine was concerned about her toddler's education following the interview- and rightly so. Here is a truncated segment of her post (name have been reduced to intitials) that highlights her posts ( CC ), my responses ( TK ) and a friend of hers ( ML ) who decided to chime in. Authors comments are in italics. CC : Just watched Matt Lauer's interview with President Obama on education. Makes me (remember, I'm a high school teacher) want to home school Collin, as I simply can't trust public schools to educate my child through the years. Sorry for the negativity! But you should watch the interview and decide for yourself. ML : The public school system has been in trouble for a long time. This isn't someting new. Thank you for that insightful observation, Captain Obvious. CC : ML - I haven't been a parent and a professional educator for ...