Unknown object flying near L.A.

A mysterious vapor trail was caught on tape Monday night by a CBS helicopter crew. This contrail was about 35 miles off the coast of Los Angeles and it has already dropped off the radar- no pun intended. Tuesday morning the FAA said there were no planes in the area. Military officials were stumped. Correction: they told us they did not know what it was, but that it looked like it came from the water. Take a look at this shot-

Really? The Pentagon doesn't know what this is? How about they know what it is but they don't know who shot it? I rode submarines for 20 years and I have seen many shots of submarine launched missiles- even from my own boat. This contrail looks very familiar to me. In fact, "military officials" told Fox News that they are confident the missile shot was not from a foreign military. How conveeeeeeeenient....

I am not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch but sometimes it is fun to dabble in the "What ifs". Hell, I have a zombie invasion action plan already in place just in case things go really bad. But let's take a look at concurrent world events, our economy and this missile shot in context and have some fun.

Here is a video produced by the Citizens Against Government Waste showing a futuristic look at a Chinese classroom where the professor is recounting great civilizations that all fell because fiscal irresponsibility. There is a bit of grand standing but this scenario is dangerously close to reality. There are subtitles and I would invite you to replay the video a second time but watch the video and not read them.

I like this segment because it points a bony finger at all administrations of this country since I have been alive- but the Obama administration is especially alarming for 2 reasons: Obama actually believes he can tax us into prosperity and people support him in this endeavorer. But this is a post for a different time.

Many countries have loaned the United States billions upon billions of dollars so that we can fund wars, defunct stimulus programs (Cash for Clunkers),and (sort of) pay grandma's pharmacy bill, etc.  
The total [public] debt has increased over $500 billion each year since fiscal year (FY) 2003, with increases of $1 trillion in FY2008, $1.9 trillion in FY2009, and $1.7 trillion in FY2010.[6]
Interesting that our debt has almost quadrupled since this administration took over. Not the change I was hoping for, and surprisingly people 1) support this criminal behavior that will destroy this county or, 2) don't care. I truly believe some people would rather the United States suffer a Red Dawn fate than to admit their guy sucks. Red Dawn- yes, I went there. Again, I do not want to t (too) sidetracked away from the business at hand.

So, China owns a buttload of our debt. in fact, our national debt is so large that we pay $450 billion a year just in interest. How would you like to have that credit card balance? Just the interest of our national debt increases our taxes by 40%. Can you imagine if we could get a handle on our debt and what that would do to our economy? It would lower taxes! Oh, wait, this administration is obscenely increasing our debt. Want to see something scary- US Debt Clock

But how long will China continue to bail out our auto and banking industries, or help this administration pay back all it's debt to the people who helped Obama win the 2008 election? It's like asking your parents to continually pay off your credit card bills while not doing anything to reduce the balance- in fact, you are making it worse by treating your friends to Hooter's every night and buying them designer clothes. Billary was in China last month begging the government to keep paying of four credit card bills.
To boost the economy, the U.S has to incur more debt, she said, shortly before departing for Washington. "It would not be in China's interest if we were unable to get our economy moving," Clinton said. "So by continuing to support American Treasury instruments, the Chinese are recognizing our interconnection. We are truly going to rise or fall together. We are in the same boat and, thankfully, we are rowing in the same direction.
 Reread the first sentence- We have to incur more debt to be prosperous! Is anyone even listening to this horse shit? Do people even care? Name one country that taxed itself into the Age of Aquarious and I'll kiss your ass on public television. Ok, I promise I am going somewhere with this. Remember the incident last year with a US Navy surveillance vessel (in international waters (supposedly)) being harassed by the Chinese? Tensions already suck between our countries and China has us by the balls- they know it and Obama knows it. Just look at this picture:

 In fact the United States backed down from China last month over a currency dispute:
Washington and the European Union accuse China -- set to become the world's second-largest economy after the United States this year -- of keeping the yuan artificially low to boost exports, undermining jobs and competitiveness in Western economies.
Wow, backing down to a foreign country (and probably apologizing) isn't like this administration at all.

The United States has declared that it will inject $600 billion into our debt to at least try and get an handle on the train wreck. That doesn't sit well with China as it will affect their stake in our debt. On his recent Asia tour, Obama skipped China and, among other things-
The president fell short in some of his goals on the trip. He failed to secure an agreement on concrete steps to rebalance the global economy at two-day summit of the Group of 20 nations in Seoul, and had to extend talks on securing a South Korean trade deal central to his goal of boosting U.S. exports.
That's funny. Obama went to lecture these countries on fiscal spending and tried to get them to listen to his plan on stimulating the world economy. That's like listening to the crazy homeless person yelling on the corner about how to invest your money.

Why all this talk about China, you ask? Let's recap:

  1. We owe them a buttload of money.
  2. We are screwing with their investments by trying to pay off our debt.
  3. They have us by the balls.
  4. Obama skipped China on his Asian tour.
  5. They have nuclear powered submarines.
Yes, #5 has everything to do with the unknown missile shot off the coast of L.A., especially in context with everything else. I think it was a clear message to Obama from the Chinese government to cut the crap. Remember, I am jut having fun.

China only has a few submarines that are capable of launching missiles and you can bet that we keep close tabs on their submarine movements via satellite and all that Hunt For Red October stuff. But what if we lost track of one or, better yet, the Chinese bought a quieter submarine from Russia? Russia is a corrupt mafia-run country that can't feed its own people. Their military might is sinking at the pier and what better way to feed the upper middle class than to sell off some of that old school technology to the highest bidder?

Of course the Pentagon is going to say this unknown contrail is not a threat to the United States. If they were to come out and say that it was a missile fired from a Chinese submarine as a message for the U.S. to leave China alone then all Asians would be beaten up and probably killed on the streets. Here is what I propose to any high ranking military personnel who are reading this blog- take some advice from Jim Malone, the mentor who instructed Elliott Ness how to take down Al Capone:
They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That’s the Chicago way! And that’s how you get Capone. Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that?

They shoot a missile near one of the United States' most populated cities, you send that submarine to the bottom of the ocean. They play around with the value of their currency to deflate ours, you pay them off with everything we have and drive their economy back to the stone age. Of course, this will never happen but I"m just having fun.


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