LSU Adpots Mercy Rule: Whiny kids excuses from studying

I recall going to my son's T-Ball game a number of years ago and watching his team beat the living piss out of the opponents. Granted, they were all 5 or 6 years old but it was still fun to watch. It had been a long time since I had witnessed a "Mercy Rule" in any game and was surprised to see the Umpire call the game only 25 or 30 minutes into the game- I think they were up 15 to 1 when the game was called. I was bummed I only got 30 minutes of beer drinking in before the drive home.

I remember walking to the car and hearing a mother console her son who was crying because they didn't win. She told him that the score doesn't matter and that he is a winner. This happened 7 or 8 years ago and I am ashamed, appalled and disgusted that this mercy rule (skunk rule), the "everybody is a winner" mentality has has grown to epic proportions. I do not think we have yet reached the unholy apex of turning our kids into pussies.

The evidence is all around: monkey bars removed from playgrounds because unsupervised, but playful, children keep breaking their arms, winners writing apology letters to the losers and many more stories like these that would make Doug Neidermeyer puke in his shiny chrome helmet. There will be fallout to the overzealousness of soccer moms and the people that feel the need to never let children feel so much as a scrapped knee on the rubber coated playgrounds- they will become pussies. Think I am being ridiculous or assinine?

Be careful to judge so quickly; it has already escalated to a new level of ridiculousness- some soccer mom kids at LSU had a teacher removed from her position because enough of them whined to the Administration about her class being too tough. Dominique G. Homberger was removed from her position because she made her students actually study. Every class began with a quiz and not many passed. This was a lower level Biology class but it was not an easy A.

And I quote, from a student to the Dean:
She has too many facts on her tests.
What the hell does that even mean? Her tests have too many facts. Not once in 30 years has anyone in administration questioned her teaching style. Not once in 30 years of teaching has a Dean sat in on her class, including Kevin Carman, dean of the College of Basic Sciences and Head Chump of the Pussification of America (LSU Chapter). Carman removed Homberger from her position without even talking to her first. But that's not even the worst part of this tragedy- he raised their grades by 30% across the board. Bravo, Dean Wormer- way to send the message to the sniveling students who don't have the discipline to study on their own that all they have to do is whine to the Dean about the mean old teacher and then- boom, roasted. I cant blame the students entirely because some PARENTS called and complained that little Suzy couldn't skank her way out of an F, or that little Johnny's football score from last night's game didn't mean jack to their biology teacher.

The circle is almost complete. The soccer moms have interjected once again on behalf of their children to make their college classes easier. The only thing left is a call to the boss in 5 years and tell him to reduce the workload on their kid. It is no wonder Asian and European kids laugh at our college graduates.

Here is LSU President John V. Lombardi's contact information, in case you want to send a shout out:
3810 W. Lakeshore Dr.
Rm. 107
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Hold on to your seats; in 4-5 years the first round of soccer mom pussified kids will be entering the workforce. Don't be too hard on them if they forget your fries at the drive thru.


  1. This mentality of "everyone is a winner" and "we don't want to hurt the feelings of the losers" goes all the way up to the collegiate level. I shit you not. Because of my academic excellence (full-time student w/4.0 GPA), I was invited to join a national honor society. One of the benefits of this honor is the privilege of wearing a gold rope on your graduation gown, "subject to your university rules". I asked my professor/advisor about it and she told me "There are a lot of reasons that people in our off-campus degree programs don’t wear the ropes…". The ironic thing is that in many of our discussions we discussed the very type of thing you discuss in your post here. My problem is I was naive enough to believe it.


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