Can't we all just get along?

Apparently not, as long as black continue to believe that white cops have it out for them. Statistics show that white cops don't kill blacks any more than black cops kill black suspects, but let's not let these facts get in the way of the race relations of our country.

I'm a white guy and I cannot relate to the black guy's assertion that he is targeted by the police and profiled more than I am. Perhaps that is true, however I do not put myself in situation that raises police suspicion of me. For some reason, the sweeping generalization that  "Not all people who wear hoodies are criminals, but all criminals wear hoodies" comes to mind.

Before you start shaking your fist at me, I do understand that their are racist cops, however I am just looking at the statistical data to support the ongoing claim that there is an epidemic of white on black crime, specifically by white cops.

From Real Clear Politics:
Between 1976 and 2011 across the United States, 7,982 blacks were murdered each year, on average — 94 percent by other blacks, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. About 227 blacks (2.8 percent) were shot by police each year, according to a study by Pro Publica (which pointed out that national statistics on police shootings are difficult to assess because of differences in how police departments report them).
So, only 6% of all black murders occur at the hands of non-blacks, and of those deaths only 2.8% are police related.

Where is the epidemic? Seems like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson (Jr), and their ilk should be trying to get their own race to live in peace. These race baiters think it is easier, and more profitable, to keep that 6% statistic at the forefront of any race relation discussion. One only needs to do an inkling of research to see that white on black murder (by cops) is much more newsworthy than the opposite. Why does the media feed us this garbage? What do they have to gain by it?

Eventually, there might be a tipping point when the race baiters and opportunists have their last Ferguson. I just don't know how long it will take for the rest of us to become so fed up with it that we decide to change things.

I'll leave you with this list of black on white murders that went unreported.

7/18- Jimmie Norman, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/18- Terry Taylor, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/17- Cindy Raygoza, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
7/11- Luis Aguilar, 91 year old hispanic male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/10- Brittany Simpson, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
7/6- Sarah Goode, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
7/6- Jeffrey Westerfield, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/5- Perry Renn, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/3- Laurey Kennedy, white female still in coma from beating by black male. No national news
7/3 Eric Mollet, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/2 Rupert Anderson, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/2 Jennifer Kingeter, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
6/30 Jim Brennan, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/29 Paul Shephard, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/27 Shirley Barone, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/27 Penelope Spencer, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/27 Inga Evans, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/26 Jake Rameau, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/25 Gina Burger, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/24 Nathan Dasher, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/22 Jonathan Price, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/20 John Whitmore, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/18 John Yingling,white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/17 Allyn Reeves, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/15 Michael Beaver, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/11 Angela Cook, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/11 Nathan Hall, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/7 Harry Briggs, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/5 Laura Bachman, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/2 Robert Mohler, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/1 William Headley, white male, murdered by black male. No national news


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