Making excuses for the damned

The recent story about the two men who beat into unconsciousness an Army Sergeant and his wife in a parking is still brewing strong feelings. A local paper featured a commentary by Rick Hamada who labeled the two thugs as "lawless rogues" and "cretins". Many readers wrote in with their outrage and felt the attacks were a disgrace to the people of Hawaii. Please read his article because it will lend credence to something a few paragraphs down.

Hamada’s article caught scrutiny from a local woman who tried, in vain, to make the two thugs out as the victims. Unbelievable. Puesta Wong, in her first sentence of her letter titled Paakaula defense, says, "There is really nothing that should excuse or rectify the Waikele beating of what Rick Hamada describes as an 'innocent' military couple." Of course the discerning reader will pick up right away that Wong intends to do just the opposite with her presumptuous use of quotations. What follows would rival the writers of Ferris Beuller when having to come up with Simone spouting a string of people that would provide a level of association as to Ferris’ medical condition:

My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.

Wong’s letter is filled with he said/she said innuendos and dubious claims of knowing the family of the thugs. She also contends that it was the wife, who weighs a whopping 115lbs, who threw the first punch at the 16 year old son and that it was just the father coming out to aid his son. Please read Wong’s ridiculous diatribe and then determine which story is more plausible- Wong’s or Hamada’s. I contend that her intellectually obtuse brain is running on low for her to align herself with a morally confused 'cretin'.

Interestingly enough, none of the comments allegedly made by the family of Paakaula made it in the papers or the news. There are however, plenty of bystanders who corroborated Hamada’s story. Wait, there is one person who believes the wife threw the first punch besides Wong- Paakaula’s attorney.

It is a dastardly thing to beat someone weaker than you into a pulp, not to mention the issue of beating a woman unconscious. Paakaula’s arrest record speaks for itself: if this man doesn’t care enough about his family to beat them, then how much less does he care for people he doesn’t know? His cowardice has been passed onto his son who will no doubt, statistically speaking, have the same problem as his father and they will both end up at the bottom of the gene pool as human detritus.


  1. Another example of why we should follow the 30-odd other states in the union and force the Chief of Police to issue CCW licenses to law abiding citizens. Yep, law abiding - anyone with a felony conviction will not be elligible, just like it is in most of all the other states. So oxygen thieves like the Paakaulas will then have to wonder if the next person they select for attention, no matter how small and meek they look, will have the ability to put them away for good.

  2. Except with military rules (restricting weapons in homes and on base) being what they are, it would be more likely that the Paakaulas (or their clones) would have the guns. Don't get me wrong -- I really want a gun myself and could not believe the strictness of Hawaiian gun laws when I looked them up. I just think in this case it might have made things even worse.

  3. I would have to agree with kywrite on the CCW issue; it would have gotten ugly had there been firearms involved mainly because that would be a new system in this state.

    In a state with CCW laws I would imagine people are a lot more cautious to roll up on someone in a parking lot knowing that concealed weapon permits are available. Then again perhaps not.

    Although non-felons would not be eligible for the CCW that would not deter the criminals form continuing to carry their own weapons. The idea is that if everyone has guns then the deterrence to commit a crime will be elevated. I don't know of any quantified data to support that but in theory it sounds reasonable.

  4. Although I would like the option of carrying (instead of having it decided for me), I'm aware that I wouldn't be able to carry for most of the week because I work on base. I'm also aware that it would take a catastrophe (maybe not even that) to change base policy/mindset.

    Not having any sympathy at this point for the Paakaulas, if there had been any way for the Sergeant and his wife to come out on top of that situation, that would have been great. Much better than imagining what their child just went through.

    Maybe the family should have kept other less obvious weapons in their car (baseball bat, machete, cane knife, steel pipe). I doubt most people would have the mindset to properly defend themselves with those tools. Either way, it really sucks that stuff like this happens. People feel sorry for the victims for a while, and then forget about it. Status quo is so much easier than figuring something out to fight the problem.

  5. tazer, pepper spray, etc. Yeah, I keep Olf Faithful on the floorboard of my truck, ready to take out upon base entry inspection. But I think you are right in the fact that who thinks about using that kind of stuff on a fender bender and then watching a family member get the crap kicked out of them. Instinct would drive the person to run over and try to help instead of rooting around for a weapon. But then some would argue and say that would be the first thing they would do especially when outnumbered or out muscled.

    I wouldn't lose any sleep if both of the attackers were beaten like a local noise ordnance violation. Sadly, if there would have been any incarceration they would be treated like heroes from the populace.


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