
Showing posts from February, 2006

Alito and Anna

The story is as old as time itself- A rich old geezer gets some titties thrown in his face, falls in love and bestows his fortune to his bimbo. The gilted family is pissed off and wants their money. The dispute is brought to a court of law. Anna Nicole Smith had a hearing in front of the Supreme Court today. She was previously awarded over $480 million by a CA court but that ruling was contested by the son of oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall who claims, among other things, that Smith altered her husband's living will. I hope that newly elected Justice Alito, who did not ask any questions during the hearing, did not pop his Supreme Court cherry on this frivolous lawsuit. Although Anna Nicole Smith is a no-talent assclown with reprehensible morals, she was willing to give a knobber to that old geezer when nobody else would. She deserves something for her short-but-sweet marriage if the claims against her are false.

Detainee Justice

It seems the U.S. is finally owning up to it's obligation of habeus corpus to a detainee by agreeing to settle with an . Egyptian man ($300,000) who was kept behind bars for over a year. The suit was resolved on Monday. After all that time what did the government charge him with: Terrorist activity? Conspiracy to commit terrorism? Being a fashion faux pas? Credit card fraud. This is just the first in a long line of suits our government will have to deal with and rightly so. The U.S. defendants claim all detainees are being held for national security reasons but it seems this is just a convenient excuse to propogate their scare tactics to the rest of us. "Round 'em all up and then we'll figure it out later." Did we not learn anything from WWII and the Japanese detainee camps? To both of my blog readers, you will recall that I am one of the first to jump up and make a stink when it comes to Jihadist Muslims who wish to harm us. THOSE are the ones that need to have t...

Enemy Guarding the Gates?

The UAE based company Dubai Ports World controversy has reached to every corner of the U.S. and beyond. For those of you who have been living in a box underneath a Queen size for the last week, a merger of Dubai Ports by another company would give Dubai Port World port authority for 6 major ports of entry to the U.S. A concern for me, and others, is that the UAE is a known haven for terrorists and at least 2 of the terrorists in the September 11 attacks were from the UAE. Why would any sane person hand over the security of our ports to a country who harbors the enemy? I wonder if supporters of the merger leave their house keys hanging on a hook outside their front door? An AP article today shows the goodwill of the UAE as it donated more than $100 million for Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. Is this supposed to soften us up for the merger? Even a child molester offers a sack of candy to his victim. The administration said there was no connection between the request for U.S. approval ...

WoW- Gaming Gays

Not too long ago I abandoned my Star Wars online game and joined up with some friends to play World of Warcraft (WoW). A feature of the game is 'guilding' which involves people joining guilds of like-minded people for support and conversation during gameplay. I was surprised to see that Blizzard Entertainment , the makers of WoW, almost banned a person who was recruiting for her gay-friendly guild. Gay-friendly teams already exist in Warcraft, but the issue here stemmed from Blizzard's enforcement of its policy banning the harassment of players based on sexual, religious or political affiliation. The rebuttal of the player was that she had recruited many times in the past with no repercussions. I think just because she got away with it is no excuse to keep doing it. This principle goes for the people who recruit in the game for political or other affiliations. It is a shame that I can't even play a game online to get away form the bullshit in real life for a while witho...

Anti-War Protestors Kiss My Ass

To all the people who used the "Bush lied about the WMD's" argument to bolster their sentiment against the war in Iraq I submit this article with some quotes from Saddam himself. The most damning, and pay careful attention to the grammar, is this statement from the former despotic asshole's son-in-law: "We did not reveal all that we have ," he said. "We did not reveal the volume of chemical weapons we had produced." - Hussein Kamel, a son-in-law of Saddam's, who was then in charge of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction efforts There is just so much more that I would like to say and I'm sure the liberals and democrats will put their spin on this new information and fall back on the dead-horse argument that we still haven't found any WMD's. I have posted pictures of a MIG-23 buried in the Iraq desert to prove that it is possible for Saddam to have lied (oh my gosh) to the U.N. about what he actually had. I used many articles ...

Trolling in the funniest way

While purusing one of my favorites I came across this post by a die-hard liberal who's sole intent was to stir up shit in oversensitive conservatives. Instead of just ignoring this guy and leaving the issue alone, the thread has now enveloped 40 pages. Here are some highlights to Ahhwaa's post "Bush- The Wet Fart President" : As the nation remembers Nixon as a corrupt and disgraced President, it should also be recognized that unless Bush makes some serious changes, he will be best remembered as the President who let a wet fart soil his underpants in front of a classroom of children during our nation's gravest hour all I'm saying is that Bush will be remembered as the President who crapped his pants (remeber, he also shat creamy diarrhea during the first Kerry debate) Hey if you guys think the best a President can do is wet fart in his pants in a classroom...more power to you Revisionist history doesn't really work, because we've all seen the tape. He s...

The Deerslayer, the Bootmaker and the Violinist

This is a great story I found while purusing sites on the ills of socialized medicine. It is rather long but its length is directly related to its importance. I believe this story to be an allegory on socialism vs. free-trade and government run programs vs. entrepeneurship. The Deerslayer, the Bootmaker, and the Violin Player by Scott McPherson

Men's' Rules

Please note- these rules are all numbered "1" for a reason. 1. Men ARE not mind readers. 1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down. 1. Sunday sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be. 1. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way. 1. Crying is blackmail. 1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it! 1. Yes and No are perfectly Acceptable answers to almost every question. 1. Come to us with a problem only If you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for. 1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor. 1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after ...

Loud bikes revisited

Found a great article by the American Motorcycle Association on loud motorcycles. I post it here mainly as a reference for me to find later but also for those who have such a boner with my letter to the Honolulu Advertiser. Here is the article. See, even bikers can get pissed off at other bikers.

Glass enclosures

I was reading a new posting in my apartment elevator this morning on my way to work. The postings are usually littered with bad grammar and spelling so I usually ignore them but this morning I caught a line that read, "Glass is the future." I was confused since glass has been used since the 4th century but, remembering Hawaii schools suck, I started the post at the beginning. In a nutshell the resident manager is asking owners to vote "yes" on a proposition to install glass enclosures on the lanais (patio). A paragraph in the notice mentioned being able to put things on the lanai like exercise bikes, toys, tv's and such. Again I was confused because the current rules state that nothing except "approved" lanai furniture shall be put on the lanais. This rule is in effect because having other things on your lanai would make it look ugly. Again, I was confused because even with a GLASS enclosure people can still see into the lanai. Against better judgement...

USMC eloquence

I read Joe Carter's blog The Evangelical Outpost and ran across this article he wrote about the Danish cartoons. Carter was in the Marine Corps for 15 years and has an incredibly insightful blog. I have been dwelling on this cartoon story for a while because I think it shows an important truth into the mentality of Islam. Although the majority of Muslims appear to be passive, it is impossible to know what will ignite them into a religious frenzy. Here is his entry

Cartoon Outrage
