A good week for Justice
Retarded Judge, Roy pearson, loses $54M dry cleaning lawsuit . At the very least, this jackass should be disbarred- a good horseshipping couldn't hurt either. I sent a letter to the D.A. of D.C. explaining this very position. Perhaps they will see things my way. Also, a dumbass in Alaska, Joe Frederick, thought it would be cute to display a 'Bong Hits for Jesus' sign. He claims he wasn't promoting drugs and that he was just exercising his right of free speech and to get some attention as the Winter Olympic torch passed by his school. (This happened in January of 2002) School officials suspended the asshat but only after the court ruling barely passed by a 5-4 margin. I wonder how much flack he would have gotten had it been a 'Bong Hits for Muhammed' sign. Of course the ACLU jumped on Frederick's plight because after all, they don't hate religion- only Christianity. More distressing is that the issue revolved around promoting pot and little to do with ...