Welcome to the Democratic Party

My lazy attempt at a post on this Aloha Friday.

I have a sinking feeling that if the elections were to happen right now the Republicans would lose their asses, the House for sure, and be left standing there sucking their thumbs. They may still come November. But 33 days is an eternity in the political world of scandal and we are already seeing the steam gauge starting to drop on the Foley mess.

I read the following article in TNMJ and it gives me hope that the Republicans can still yet salvage their elections. People are smart, they get distracted easily, but I think that come November, the best people will win. I have my hat ready with a bottle of Frank's just in case I am wrong.


Welcome to the Democratic Party
The Fifth Column Seth Swirsky
October 5, 2006

It took less than a week for Nancy Pelosi – who stuck up for President Bush when Hugo Chavez used the United Nations forum to call him a “devil” and a “liar” in front of the world – to revert to her true self. Just a few days after arguing that Chavez’s attacks were unwarranted, Pelosi herself was back to making similar attacks, calling the president a liar (“Tell the truth to the American people”), inept (“Let’s…clean up the mess you have made in Iraq”) and delusional (“Face the facts…you have not been in touch with reality”). It showed that the woman who would be House Majority Leader if the Democrats are empowered in November to be not only insincere but, in her rhetoric, much more sympathetic to the President of Venezuela than to the President of the United States.

Welcome to the Democratic Party.

The movie that the Democratic leadership chose to condemn vociferously last month was not the Toronto Film Festival’s award-winning “Death of a President,” which vividly depicted President Bush’s mock assassination but, instead, “The Path to 9/11,” which factually documented why Bill Clinton didn’t assassinate Osama bin Laden. The silence of the Democrats (except for Hillary Clinton) over “Death of a President” makes clear that Democrats don’t care that the movie could inspire a deranged person to carry out such an act. But say something about “their” leader, Bill Clinton, and you just may have your broadcast license revoked!

Welcome to the Democratic Party.

"As an American, I’m glad that gas prices are down, the economy’s doing well, and that, for all intents and purposes, we’re at full employment. Unfortunately, what’s good for America is bad for Democrats, who care more about beating Bush than they do about beating inflation or bin Laden."

Republican representative Mark Foley resigned over his reprehensible conduct with House Pages. He received no support for his actions from his Party’s leadership. Yet Democrats rushed to make it a partisan issue instead of what it is – an isolated incident that has no bearing on the political scene. How is it portrayed on a leading liberal website, The Huffington Post? They posted Foley’s salacious e-mails on its front page, in huge type, exploiting every last drop of a sorry episode.

Welcome to the Democratic Party.

Last June, I joined millions of Americans who were relieved when our forces killed Al Qaeda’s field commander in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Yet, the sense of dejection on the Left was palpable because it made the true purveyors of evil in their warped view –Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld – look good! Instead of a resounding, “Good job, Mr. President, in America’s War on Terror,” all they could say was: “But, where’s Osama?”

As an American, I’m glad that gas prices are down, the economy’s doing well, and that, for all intents and purposes, we’re at full employment. Unfortunately, what’s good for America is bad for Democrats, who care more about beating Bush than they do about beating inflation or bin Laden.

And Democrats wonder why they haven’t controlled the House, the Senate or the White House in years. Part of the reason is that their demeanor has been deplorable. While Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Scoop Jackson, and Sam Nunn knew how to play hardball politics, it would be unimaginable for them to behave so callously – during wartime – towards the president of the opposition party. Judging by liberal Joe Lieberman’s loss to Ned Lamont in August, none of these aforementioned icons would be welcome in today’s Democratic Party.

Back in 1994, Republicans captured the House with their Contract With America, a set of positive principles designed to make our country stronger. But with Democrats -- should they regain power -- poised to impeach the president, undermine every effort in the War on Terror and sure to effectuate gridlock on any issue they feel they cannot win outright, their plan is less a Contract With America than a mob-like Contract On America.

Welcome to the Democratic Party.


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