Anti anit-semetic site

I stumbled across this blog from The Moderate Voice and felt that it deserved mention here.

Meryl Yourish maintains a site that is pro Israel/Jew/Zionist. The subject of the post that got my attention is This is a Zionist Site: End of discussion and Meryl proceeds to lay it out:
I do not give a damn for the opinions of those who think that Israel is a racist state. I do not give a damn for the opinions of those who think that Israel has no “right” to exist. I do not give a damn for the opinions of those who think that the Jews of Israel are a bunch of European colonials who “stole” the land from the “indigenous” population.
She gives a lot of ammo to anti-Israel leftists to argue but the wonderful thing about her blog is that she will have none of it appear in her comment sections.

She disects commenters who tout the First Amendment, who Zionists really are and if concerned readers 'qualify' and, at great length, defend her position of why she does not allow negative Jew hating comments on her blog.

Meryl has a great perspective and clear insight and her blog is worth reading.


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